Your homepage is your first impression. You might want to put basic information about your club, a welcome letter from your group’s president, or a brief profile of your organization.
Edit “Home” (Website > Pages > home)
Click “Content”
From here you can change or add text, photos, and other information.
The large images that rotate across the top of your homepage form your rotator slide. It’s a place to put evergreen or semi-permanent content that shows compelling images (either of Columbia or your club or both) and a brief message. You can find some Columbia imagery for this section in the image bank.)
Rotators are set within the "Home Feature" page. Each slide consists of a label, a headline/call-to-action, a destination link and a photo.
The buttons on the side of your page can be turned on/off using specific check boxes in each post’s window. If you would not like them displayed on your home page, you may visit Home, view the settings tab, and unselect the “Show sidebar” checkbox. This will remove the buttons from your main page. Subsequent pages may have the same option.
If you would like to rename or redirect your sidebar buttons, please visit the main page of your dashboard, select the Supporter nav tab, and you will have the option to edit the three buttons that appear as the sidebar.
Please note that you will need to know the slug of the page to which you are linking, in order to edit the path of these buttons.
Your ‘news’ page is a place to post articles, announcements, or other types of content. The most recent piece will appear at the top, and old news will cycle down the page; once there are more than 10 posts, your site will automatically create a ‘next page’ prompt for older content.
Some ideas for your ‘news’ page include updates on membership, events, alumni profiles, or other timely items or announcements you want to share.
In your main menu (pages), click News
Click New Blog Post on the sidebar of the front end of the website OR go to Posts & Subpages in the admin dashboard of the News and click New Post.
Enter an article title in Headline.
Slug will populate automatically.
Set Status to "draft"
Click Create Blog Post and the page will be saved.
Enter content on the next screen
Before the flip: the content shown on the News page
After the flip: the content shown when a visitor clicks "Learn more" to read the full article
Once content has been entered and proofed, publish the page by going to settings in the dashboard of your blog post and changing the dropdown to Published
Your ‘calendar’ page is a place to post events. The most recent event will appear at the top, older events will cycle down the page, and once an event has passed, it will move from the event listing to a 'past events' page, automatically. The next several scheduled events will display automatically on the home page.
Log in
On the front end of your site, click Programs and Events in the menu bar. When in your event calendar, click New Event. OR from the admin dashboard, choose calendar from your list of pages, then click Events and sub-pages then choose New Event.
Under website, choose your site, and under the pages tab, select "Gallery."
Click the "Posts & subpages" tab and select "New Post."
This will create a blog post, where you can add pictures and text as content in the gallery.
You may copy/paste picture files into the dialogue box using mouse or keyboard shortcuts
You may also click on the “Insert/Edit Image” – tree – icon and post your image URL. This will also allow you to set the size and alignment of your picture.
If you drop a YouTube link or a Flickr image gallery to your gallery post, the system will automatically recognize the link and process the video/gallery as such in your post.
Adding a Flickr gallery or YouTube video is similar to adding a single picture.
Under website, choose your site, and under the pages tab, select "Gallery."
Click the "Posts & subpages" tab and select "New Post."
This will create a blog post, where you can add pictures and text as content in the gallery.
Copy and paste a YouTube link or a Flickr image gallery link as text (if it remains hyperlinked, click on the “unlink” – broken chain icon to remove) to your gallery post.
When you save, the image/video will populate into the “live” site.
You may select to “tag” certain posts to make them easily available for administrators to view. For instance, if you wanted to tag your Holiday Party event and Holiday Party blog post/gallery pictures as “Holiday,” you would be able to view all three, just by clicking on the “Tags” tab on the main dashboard.
One prevalent tag is footer, which will allocate certain posts/pages to the bottom navigation bar, but if you would like to group other pages/posts together, you may select a word and tag each separate page as such.
How to make your site more findable on search engines (SEO)
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is how you can make your site more visible to search engines and help people find you more easily. NationBuilder experts offer guidance on tips and tricks to improve your site in search results - see them here.